We have designed an alternative Top Corner piece to provide a way of mounting a 4-inch HEPA Filter to the Universal 3D Printer enclosure. 

hepa filter assembly for universal 3D printer enclosure

HEPA Air Filter (Single)

Price: $12.99

OSIMO Air Purifier Replacement Filter 1 Pack


HEPA air filter

HEPA Air Filter (3 Pack)

Air Purifier True HEPA 3 Pack

Price: $19.99 (x3)

hepa air filter 3 pack



The file is designed to be used with our 120mm Fan Mount and will replace a Top Corner piece in the desired location.  

Begin by printing the 4-INCH DUCT TOP CORNER piece. You will then replace one of the existing Top Corner pieces with this corner piece. If printed in the correct orientation, no supports are necessary.

hepa filter top corner with print orientation 

Next, print the 4-INCH FILTER GRATE and the 4-INCH FILTER DUCT ADAPTER parts.

hepa filter grate with duct

printing orientation for HEPA air duct

Place the filter into the 4-INCH FILTER GRATE and press the filter & grate into the duct adapter part. You should feel some resistance required to ensure minimal air leaks around the filter.

hepa filter inserted into mount

Finally, attach the filter, grate, and duct adapter to the enclosure! Done!

final assembly of hepa filter